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18+, Xbox Live, Region Free, Release Date: February 15, 2019, Xbox One, Multi-language, Xbox Live, Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft, Digital Key

Welcome to Hope County, Montana, land of the free and the brave, but also home to a fanatical doomsday cult known as The Project at Eden’s Gate that is threatening the community's freedom. Stand up to the cult’s leader, Joseph Seed and the Heralds, and spark the fires of resistance that will liberate the besieged community.

In stock
4599 Р   1565 Р

Xbox Live, 18+, Region Free, Release Date: March 27, 2018, Xbox One, Multi-language, Xbox Live, Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft, MetaScore: 82%, Digital Key

Welcome to Hope County, Montana, land of the free and the brave, but also home to a fanatical doomsday cult known as The Project at Eden’s Gate that is threatening the community's freedom. Stand up to the cult’s leader, Joseph Seed and the Heralds, and spark the fires of resistance that will liberate the besieged community.

In stock
5519 Р   1839 Р

- 85%
18+, UPlay, Release Date: November 17, 2014, PC, Multi-language, UPlay, Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft, Digital Key

Far Cry 4 delivers the most expansive and immersive Far Cry experience to date. Enjoy incredibly engaging open-world gameplay, complete with viseral combat, improved stealth and gun mechanics, amazing new world to explore, and drop-in/ drop-out co-op mode.

5519 Р   829 Р
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UPlay, 18+, Region Free, Release Date: November 29, 2012, PC, Multi-language, Russian, UPlay, Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft, MetaScore: 88%, Digital Key

Bозвращение известной серии Far Cry. В Far Cry 3 разработчики вернулись к сеттингу тропиков. Bас снова ждут знойные пляжы, густые джунглии, прозрачное голубое море и завораживающие взгляд водопады. В дали от цивилизации, находится остров, в котором чужды законы и правила цивилизованного мира. На этом острове есть лишь единственный закон - закон джунглий, где выживает сильнейший, самый жестокий и хладнокровный. Именно здесь вам придется бороться за свою жизнь, и жизнь своих друзей. Вовлеченный судьбой в полномасштабную войну между оружейными и работоргующими баронами, и местными жителями, главному герою предстоит идти по тонкой линии между здравомыслием и безумием, дабы не потерять рассудок и спасти своих друзей и себя самого. Узнайте самые темные секреты острова, используйте окружающую среду в вашу пользу, боритесь за вашу жизнь. Far Cry 3 ответит на вопрос ' что такое безумие'.

1655 Р   645 Р
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Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), North America, 17+, Release Date: February 21, 2023, PC, Multi-language, Steam, Mundfish, Focus Entertainment, Digital Key

Welcome to a utopian world of wonders and perfection, in which humans live in harmony with their loyal and fervent robots.

Well, that's how it used to be. With the launch of the latest robot-control system mere days away, only a tragic accident or a global conspiracy could disrupt it…

The unstoppable course of technology along with secret experiments have brought rise to mutant creatures, terrifying machines and superpowered robots—all suddenly rebelling against their creators. Only you can stop them and find out what lies behind the idealized world.

Using the combat abilities granted by your experimental power glove, your arsenal of blades and cutting-edge weaponry, fight for your life in explosive and frenetic encounters. Adapt your fighting style to each unique opponent. Combine your skills and resources, use the environment and upgrade your equipment to overcome challenges and fight for good.

5519 Р   4415 Р
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13+, Other, Region Free, Release Date: September 22, 2017, PC, Multi-language, Other, ArenaNet, NCSoft, Digital Key

Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire is the second expansion for the award-winning game, Guild Wars 2. As the balance of magic comes undone, lead your allies in the hunt for the rogue god Balthazar, whose scorched-earth campaign threatens the very existence of Tyria. Now includes Heart of Thorns expansion.

In stock
2759 Р   2485 Р

- 85%
Release Date: February 10, 2015, Steam, PC, Multi-language, Steam, Turtle Rock Studios, 2k, Digital Key

Evolve  is a new multiplayer shooter by Left 4 Dead where 4 hunters have to fight a horrendous monster controlled by your opponent.

5519 Р   829 Р
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